My Family

They are my          everything

Having my kids and their friends in my kitchen is my idea of heaven...and it was then that I earned the name Mama Lisa!

A few other things about myself...

- I baked a loaf of bread by myself for the first time when I was 8 & my parents were gone for the day. I had so much fun that I found a recipe for pecan pie and made that too! I’ve loved baking ever since!
- I’m the middle child of 5, and also have 5 kids of my own.
- I’ve lived within a 2 mile radius my whole life & my parents still live 3 blocks from me.
- My love language is acts of service and my enneagram number is a 3 with a heavy dose of 9 at times
- My ABSOLUTE favorite thing is being with family & friends playing games & eating yummy food (even better if we’re at Disneyland doing both)
- I have absolutely loved meeting so many new friends on here & look forward to getting to know the rest of you!

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